Content Block Suggested Links

Cross Link Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consect aperiam praesentium ad delectus sunt!

Button Style Three
i Content Block Suggested Links

Cross Link Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consect aperiam praesentium ad delectus sunt!

Button Style Three
i Content Block Suggested Links

Cross Link Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consect aperiam praesentium ad delectus sunt!

Button Style Three
i Content Block Suggested Links

Cross Link Here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consect aperiam praesentium ad delectus sunt!

Button Style Three
i Content Block Suggested Links


<div class="card card-small inset-border">

	<div class="copy-wrap">
		<h2>Cross Link Here</h2>
		<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consect aperiam praesentium ad delectus sunt!</p>
		<a href="#" class="button-link no-styles red">Button Style Three</a>

	<!-- Do not implement this link -->
	<a href="/inc/modules/?module=content-block-suggested-links" class="module-link">
		<i class="icon info-icon">i</i>
		<span class="tool-tip">Content Block Suggested Links</span>
	<!-- Do not implement this link -->


Used toward the bottom of any page to cross-link or suggest related content.

This module is based on a element called a "card". Modifier classes are applyed to the card element to apply certain styles. In this instance the "small" class is used to adjust the heading (h2) size and "inset-border" to apply the gray bar on the right side of the elements.